Sea of doubts. Sometimes I come to a dead end and it seems to me that I am not good enough, far from perfect. Doubt floats around me like plastic in the world's oceans. And if you do not clean, then the garbage of doubts will absorb you and kill.
Demons. They are in my head, always. They torment and delight me. They interfere with life and push for exploits. I love and hate them at the same time.
@Sshayni_ Sea of doubts
1/1 digital art
0.101 $ETH
Sometimes I don't know where I'm going. The fears and doubts in my head are like plastic in the world's oceans. They shouldn't be there.
@MilayaArt @Kaida_art
@Nadeemcrypto @luminous_luna @NFTeachak @NF_Tcaff @StevoTrinidad @dannybarcant @Helluuuva Sea of doubts
1/1 digital art
0.101 $ETH
Sometimes I don't know where I'm going. The fears and doubts in my head are like plastic in the world's oceans. They shouldn't be there.
@aegean2356 Sea of doubts
1/1 digital art
0.101 $ETH
Sometimes I don't know where I'm going. The fears and doubts in my head are like plastic in the world's oceans. They shouldn't be there.
@stoemanangels Web of through
1/1 digital art
0.1 $ETH
When I am drawn into the web of self-flagellation, I look for bright thoughts in my head and they, like a torch, show me the way to the top.
@jfx Web of through
1/1 digital art
0.1 $ETH
When I am drawn into the web of self-flagellation, I look for bright thoughts in my head and they, like a torch, show me the way to the top.