

🇨🇵/🇬🇧 | 26 | French CEO of Metroid | Just a guy on twitter dot com | I draw sometimes

フォロー数:820 フォロワー数:4828

One last step and I'll be completely reformed

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True Damage Ekko looks so much better on his splash art than in game

But at least his skin isn't PURPLE on this one I guess

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People are not saying anything because it's Nintendo, as usual

They should have taken exemple on these two trilogy of games, remade entirely with brand new visuals and much cheaper than this All Star 3D collection

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He may have been completely out of his mind and a psychopath, but when it comes to looking absolutely badass, no other warchief came close to Garrosh

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How is this thing not an Insect type

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Look at this absolute badass

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What an absolute badass

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The next Smash DLC leaked !! It's going to be the SA-X !!

Doesn't it look badass ?

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