

Side-scrolling action adventure game "Gleamlight"
Available now for #NintendoSwitch #PS4 #XboxOne & #Steam !

フォロー数:481 フォロワー数:3056

Here is a look at another evolution of our concept art, what could these be designs for?🤔

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Here’s a look at how some of the designs evolved.

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These enemies look like they're built with reinforced steel.
Regular attacks probably won't deal much damage to these monstrous beasts…🗡❌

But that makes me even more excited, thinking about how to maneuver the child and conquer these giants😆

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Oh, my. These creatures look like they're being captured.

Are they perhaps going to be brought to some sort of zoo?

I can spot a porcupine🦔, deer🦌, and gorilla‼🦍
What do you see?

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This is by far the most alien-like enemy we've seen thus far!👽

Apparently, the thorns on the heads of these enormous beings open like scissors whenever the children try to jump over them✂

How frightening!😲

Just how will the children defeat this harrowing beast?

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The enemies shown here are all quite large.

And the one at the bottom center looks kinda like a pine cone with legs. Haha. If it weren't so spiky, I would want to hug it.

By the way, do you remember seeing the one at the bottom left in the promotional video?👀🤔

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All the children you've seen up until now have been wearing red.

But the ones here are all dressed in black!

What is their relationship? Is there an inherent difference between the two??
And where will these black ones appear in the story? So many questions...🤔

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These machine-type enemies look like they're going to attack us with the many sharp parts protruding from their body.🤕

When you're exploring the world of Gleamlight, pay attention to these enemies' movements so that the children don't fall prey to their attacks‼👍

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These enemies look stronger than any of the ones we've seen so far. They look like they'd really pack a punch👊

And if you look closely, the one at the bottom right has a passenger's seat🪑

I wonder if that means it can be controlled by up there!😮

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More creepy critters...!

The ones at the top center look like a crab's claw🦀 and a spooky monster's hand🖐

But wait!🛑 The one at the center left kinda looks like a dog🐕 Aww, how cute!💕

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