

Manic pixie nightmare girl, textbook middle child.★イラストとファッションデザイナー ★📍東京★ My opinions are my own, these tweets do not represent the views of my employers.★

フォロー数:195 フォロワー数:302

Literally me watching The Mandalorian S2E7:

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Vagrant Story

And you better BELIEVE I bring it up at every conversation about videogames I have 😩 https://t.co/iaAltxhUHl

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Someday I’ll have the artistic discipline of the illustrators making Kim Yo-jong fanart 😢

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Ok but, why is no one talking about how the new eyeroll memoji looks like ahegao?

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Yo pensando en cómo sería ese cover:

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No pero puedo buscar shampoo que huela a chicle 🍬✨

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Also, when Spinel said “I’m the loser of the game you didn’t know you were playing” I really felt that.

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Starting a new relationship like:

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怒!That’s the kanji for anger! 笑笑笑!

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