

i’m not broken, and i’m not alone. | art in layout: @tajmerk | @dailykory

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Every day I think about titans mentioning Kory and Rachel doing the 300 days of training and them not actually giving it to us 😐

5 35

It’s kinda sick that titans hasn’t had Kory carry Dick yet…what happened to feminism 😕

13 57


27 101

lobalore for my birthday a couple months ago by !! <3

29 83

the fact that we gotta deal w the bullshit on the left in the only comic kory is currently in but the blessing on the right is only a one time thing 😭

11 66

...anyways, he’s the best

16 43

I would like to talk about it

12 39

thinking about how she’s 6’7

41 143

love my exes that still care for each other ‼️

23 68

cannot stand dc for this but I’m glad she put her foot down for once when it comes to him

1 7