

little girl live in 1990s/your ❤️ and 🔁 and follow is my power/点个赞转个推8求求乐,你们的一键三连对我很重要(错乱)/作为中国人会说中文没毛病吧.jpg/English(google)/日本語(大嘘)/做任何事都只为图一乐

フォロー数:1834 フォロワー数:819

thx for the share and im JC and i only draw for fun

1 7

Congrats on 13K!!!
im jc and i love draw what im playing now
(or something weird)

0 2

Congrats on the 1k!
im jc and im a self-taught artist

2 5

learning color now
hope you like this
just call me jc

1 5

well i should say now i dont have the skill to draw what i image

2 8