

I like the 3d platforming genre, I own a hamster, and 2 gerbils the world is full of wonder, and original xbox that is all

フォロー数:654 フォロワー数:98

this has been roy rants about indie horrors meant for cash vs these which have taken time to be made and are actually charming its offtopic but atleast these are orginal like ones a resident evil style game set in a sesame street world lmao autism moment btw for me ranting

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gives me the 38 year old man from flapjack vibes nice art

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Game 8 demon turf an indie 3d platformer with slick level design fun charecters, great music and movement that rivals 3d mario id say its the best indie 3d platformer ive played and dont get me wrong theres many good ones but this was awesome the whole way through 10/10

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when people need to apolgize to this show when it actually was a better scooby adaption than velma

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kinda been putting off playing more spider man ps4 for a while now and man the third act of the game gets so fucking nuts if you know you know , but the game kinda started off slow but man the plot is really fricken good for a spider man game

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nah this is a slog, what it is its an enemy from oddworld the series i named munch after lol

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decided to make an edit i present to you the dk oldies trading joey card game i made a fake ad in the style of a 90s magazine ad too idk why i made this and why i use the same 3 images of joey

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so i tried spore the creature creator is fun af a little weird but its fun to mess around with

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it sets up the bus cinnematic universe followed by desert bus the movie

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