

Imagined these quirky characters and odd friends while wandering around in the dark in search of chocolate chip cookies.

フォロー数:1671 フォロワー数:1980

Ping is a calm person and exudes tranquility. She will ease your troubles unless you cause her distress. Then she will put you in a headlock and toss you over her shoulder. Ping is featured here on a notebook.

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Happy holidays to all!

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Nozomi is Izumi's twin! Her hair is just as gigantic and hides a plethora of things including a handheld vacuum, dental floss, and a tv remote.

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Yuko is an annoying hoverer. She stands close to you, peeks over your shoulder and sometimes pops up right in front of you. Swat her away but she somehow sneaks up to you and screams “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Do you know a Yuko?

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Give your pillows the makeover! Cicely is featured here on unbleached, long-staple 100% cotton or soft, premium microfiber pillows shams.

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Cicely is a bit anxious during summertime You see, she tends to sweat excessively but luckily she has her oversized head fan wherever she goes!

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Introducing Juliet and her ghost Hesperia. They stay in the shadows during the day and come out at nightfall. All the fun happens at night… and trouble finds them too!

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Hey! I’m Fay. A girl from the bay. I love buffets and sometimes French cafes. Some say I am cray because I talk in rhyming ways. Most don’t know what to say so they run away. I say that’s okay because Jose brings me chocolate soufflés. And that always lights up my day!

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Filippa is super duper shy and sometimes awkward. She never knows what to do with her hands so it’s best to keep them under ponchos! In case of panic attacks, Parker the tomato will give the evil eye to those who increase Filippa’s anxiety.

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