

GameDev artist. Woked on Street Fighter, Tales of Zestiria, Vesperia, DBXV, Hitman, GodEater! This Is my doodle blog dedicated to OCs & hype. I'm Trash (꒪ཀ꒪).

フォロー数:399 フォロワー数:2968

And Quick OC doodle cus I'm neglecting them recently lol :D

1 15

Edo false Inktober entry :'D My 8 year old copics still works. Wow :O

14 49

This fanfic... \\ ;__; //~ </3 Just when I needed some FMA angst .3. <3

1 19

Bunch of Edo's in military uniform *4* /becauseican
One day I'll make It cleaner :v

12 36

Small Ed appreciation doodlage<3 I love this Tiny asshole ;3 <3

17 52

Oh, I think I forgot to post the gay.
Anyway weekend will be FMA dedicated, i must draw my beloved brothers *3*~

0 19