

everyday is a good day for a drawing style crisis

フォロー数:453 フォロワー数:74

(1/3) Introduction

Took me a while to finish it all, but here's my newest project! Even while drawing all of this, I think I improved lol.

Don't worry, I'll still draw lots of fanarts and illustration!

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I’m a little late, but here you go! A little preview on what I’m working on as well!

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I need to learn how to color fabrics lol... Fun experiment, though! A friend challenged me to draw using 5 words: Rich, lazy, blue, comfy, short! I see some points where I could improve, but it's all a learning process ><

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Welp... plans fell through so I got to stay home and draw. Yay I got to finish this ^^

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After like 7 years, Railgun is back. I have all the manga already, but can't wait to binge watch the anime once it's finished!

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