

Pixel artist, Designer, Madman

gets considerably weirder, trust me

フォロー数:83 フォロワー数:1161

missed by a day a AGAIN, damn it....anyhow......
Tao, the swordsman

7 50

hello people, ive returned, your purveyor of deamons and weird things alike, this here be winter, season's envoy, she chill (the pun game be strong)

3 19

sup, sry, been busy, have a deamon

4 43

when my horns were young.......

3 28

you are all making some demons very happy....
jokes aside, 100 peeps? where the hell you all came from?? i started this last week just to see what i could do, but now the motivation is real, pinning this shit and let me bash the gates in, get ready for some weird stuff

5 67

funny, the only noxious i've seen today
so here, have one

6 43

trowback moment, im really proud of this one, this was the first piece that made me realise that working in large canvases is my jam, sadly this was suposed to be for a game that never got made.

29 154

the death of a legion

6 31

ok trowback moment, this a old one from my demonic vaul.....i mean.......folder......its a gate keep wraith

1 24