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@AlmiraTeamOrder Shujaa is inspired by ancient Chinese history, mythology, and philosophy, the way that the Monk is portrayed and played in tabletop rpgs like DnD, and by several of my mains from the various fighting games I played growing up with like Street Fighter, Tekken, and KoF.
@BloodOSeverity Martial artist looking to find a way to counteract the curse placed on him that makes him age at an accelerated rate so he can continue doing what the one thing he's good at and dedicated his life to studying in hopes of eventually passing on his knowledge to a worthy successor.
@Scrogalicious Baron Eretik Strigoli is the lord of Crimson Castle, is an haematologist and sorcerer who secretly uses dark magic and minions to expose and punish other nobles who have mingled with commoners. Eliminating them and any offspring in an effort to keep all noble bloodlines pure.