

フォロー数:242 フォロワー数:246

SNEAKY VAMPIRE SYNDICATE continues to deliver!!! Through thick blood and thin, SVS is a project that will be here for an eternity! Of course, you must join to become part of the Syndicate.
I just received 4 x bloodbag gift cards and 2 x raffle gift cards. LFG SVS!!!!

3 21

SVS spills the blood again!! Let me suck up my $25 gift card and make another deposit to my blood bank. 🩸 is a top team in the NFT space, with WORLD RENOWNED members like, the voice and BAYC artist . Oh, and Freddy

5 50

Nice perfect pair pick up!!! SVS delivering again!
Everyone get out there and get your "PERFECT PAIRS" before the sun comes up!!

7 35