
@[email protected]さんのイラストまとめ

🦿THE GUILLOTINE RUNS ON DIESEL NOW ‼️🦾 --- disabled cyberpunk artist. ACAB - LANDBACK 🦬

フォロー数:433 フォロワー数:891



closeups. if you don't look at the detail i put in on their weapons i will come into your home, open your pantry, take all of the boxes of pasta and any tortilla chips you have, and then leave again

0 7

Art style study I did for class! Mine was focused on death burger's stuff

8 30

a bird a goat and a ???? Walk into a bar

22 84

My strength of thousands character! This is kadaak, a goloma magus 😌

5 14

I try to not die- It works on occasion!

60 157

alright 2077 morgan blackhand get it I guess

3 20

There's just something about him ❤️

2 9