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‘One, two . . . He’s coming for you’
Discover Marvin’s origin. Discover them all. Find the story on my Wattpad -
@ graphic-hawk

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‘One, two . . . He’s coming for you’
Discover Chase Brody’s origin. Discover them all. Find the story on my Wattpad - graphic-hawk

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This is what I get by combining moon, bite and sword in mid-journey! Hope you all like the outcomes. Sorry I haven’t drawn anything this week, it’s gotten really busy with my job, building a fence and getting hurt over last weekend. I’ll try harder this weekend!

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I got accepted into the midjourney ai discord and I wanted to see what it could do with some of the art challenge prompts! I missed the last two days because my eye needed to heal so I hope this makes up for it!

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I combined the days ‘tear’ and ‘space’ for the art challenge since I missed yesterday and this is what I came up with! What do you guys think?

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A little late to this one today but this is day 5 ‘superhero’. I didn’t want to do an existing one though so I just made up my own OC.

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Day 4 ‘Raven’! I did do a little reference in it to for ‘iris’ so that was fun lol

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Day 2 of my art challenge! The word is ‘connect’. What I thought of first was Jackie and anti being connected and anti was in his head or something idk lol what you guys think?

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Got an ego drawing for you guys this morning:)

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Haven’t been drawing too much recently but these are my favs :)

Don’t steal/repost (you know the drill. I have to put this here lol)

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