

フォロー数:501 フォロワー数:12548

"the Duarda are man-made vaults of information, wielding their own key against any who endeavor to steal their secrets from them."


27 154

i tried to draw my dappervolk avatar but then i basically didn't

28 228

pedal to da metal

17 157

everybody wish a happy anniversary of her birth

8 86

Oh no my hand slipped....
Agisgata acts lascivious and vicious, but only because that's what mankind expects him to be. In reality he's just naive and highly impressionable

9 78

e y e b r o w s

61 322

introduction to algebra

54 229

-day 83 of working on these adopts- just... Just some quick concepts... People like quick concepts....

35 245

But where's my boyfriend Nate aka eyebrow-chan

0 6

green eggs and a ham

19 86