

フォロー数:1085 フォロワー数:205

I approve it. Wedding cake.🐝🐝🐝😍😍

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-BE say Gay right

1 14

They have similar outlook and personality . I love both of them

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Sorry, i just can't.........🤣🤣🤣

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Little witch academia. the protagonist is female who has no magic but learn in magic.She try hard day and night to be a witch. Both shows say fuck you to fan-service. the voice actress love them and feel relatable to the characters they voice. is it enough?

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bff, didnt you read my status. They are protagonist. The show is named by their names and focus on their bond as a team. Each of them have their own stories to show who,how they are. They are not just bland baddass, strong females but also have weakness to overcome

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