

Arja. She/her, demi/bi. Comic artist, Linguist and Cartographer, Hobbit. 🌌
Writes and draws @thelastbacchae. 🏺
Three seagulls in a trenchcoat, actually. 🐙

フォロー数:163 フォロワー数:231

I LIKE TRAINS, let's make an art one! 💜✨🚂

Ty for the tag Vitae, and for the shock of that gif!


(And whomever wants, I've been scarce here from too much help)

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Oh wow my Inky, Aisling was in too!
You may not have seen her because her horse is just 🐎so fast🐎.

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Got tagged to show my favourite works of this year, and here we are!

Tagging and
(If Twitter's still here...)

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Lady Inquisitor Cinnamon Roll, now inked and with some colour.
Clarel doesn't share her love for lemon cakes.

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Elf sense, part 4.
Varric saves the day, Inquisitor's self-esteem, and made a shirt for Hawke as well. In their favourite colours, of course.

*Solas disapproves*

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Fen'Harel, Fen'Harel,
Friendly neighborhood Fen'Harel 🎶

(Playing a Dalish Mage and not having one dialogue option that found Solas VERY suspicious was extremely funny.)

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Cat is a Siamese, I am a rogue fighting with knives, and that's either tea or Sardinian unfiltered beer, your choice.

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My Hero of Ferelden is regretting sending spies to Kirkwall.
Or maybe not so much.

(Don't use broccoli as a peace offering, maybe.)

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Hello I'm Arja, a comic artist and graphic designer. I'm working on my webcomics and dealing with mythology, history and a good deal of gay panic.

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