Nessa Bellさんのプロフィール画像

Nessa Bellさんのイラストまとめ

Reader, storyteller, (time)traveller, cinema-goer, theater-lover. There's nothing like a blank page, screen or canvas waiting to come alive.

フォロー数:1798 フォロワー数:2307

My love is thine to teach: Teach it but how, and thou shalt see how apt it is to learn any hard lesson that may do thee good.
(Much Ado about Nothing)

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In Joseph Quinn reminded me of Eddie Van Halen, in that reunion photo he looks like a 17th century miniature painted by Nicholas Hilliard. Fascinating!

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Only idiots would try to pet wild animals, but what can I say - in my country city children grew up to believe cows were purple because a chocolate brand suggested they were.😂

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Unsere Nachbarin harkt jetzt seit einer Stunde hingebungsvoll ihre öde Steinwüste, die sie Vorgarten nennt (nicht ein Hauch Grünes!) Furchtbare Geräusche! Für den Aufwand hätte sie auch die Beete lassen können. Die Insekten hätte es gefreut.#Kieselgärten

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O, that estates, degrees and offices
Were not derived corruptly, and that clear honour
Were purchased by the merit of the wearer.
(The Merchant of Venice))

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This 👇🏻 has been tweeted by every day since it seems forever! High time officials acknowledge this unbearable situation and do something about it!

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Another night. Looking at what‘s going on in the rest of the world doesn‘t make it any better. Will try counting sheep next. Or reindeer. Or whatever.

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Weihnachtsdeko.(Für die, die ihren Baum/Raum jedes Jahr neu „stylen“ möchten.)

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