

Cartoonist and Illustrator. Gay and trans horror and wrestling enthusiast.

Email: [email protected]

フォロー数:15 フォロワー数:1098

Bitches will run fighter jets into the ocean and be like “can’t help being a Gemini!”

13 43

A peek at a comic about Worm I’m finishing up

11 44

I’m just out here...... suffering

3 16

They aren’t cat sized......

17 39

Been working on a comic about a big masked guy with a crush on a drifter that squats in the abandoned house next to his. Here are a selection of panels I’ve 100% completed

10 36

Do you care him....

1 19

Bologna pancakes, baby!

6 11

A Twilight Saga rip off but the choices are a vampire and ghost in the form of a rotting corpse

1 4