

안녕하세요! 🇰🇷 Marine Bio undergrad/Illustrator/Creature Designer 🚫 requests, comms, trades🚫 Do not ask.

フォロー数:1191 フォロワー数:3180

Am I trippin? Like I know thats Stratosphere and not Jetfire but like...Can one hope??

4 52

And that is where her foster mother came in.

8 62

They're only Workers
They can't see,
All the years they could give you and me.

29 225

Among the first of many new mosasaurs to emerge during the Telosian (post-66 mya), the squalisaurs are descendants of Plotosaurus that have become pelagic fusiform predators. Feeding primarily on squid and small fish, they are among the speediest of mosasaurs.

13 76

Don't hide from me, little girl.

23 213