

“I would like to see anyone, prophet, king or God, convince a thousand cats to do the same thing at the same time.”

フォロー数:78 フォロワー数:183

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100 1400

This is the only couple the world needs. Thank you 💙💛

1 6

Day 14: Palutena
(Art by: )

1 4

Please, consider Shantae for the future DLC.
She is a very charismatic, fun and beloved character in the gaming world.
She have a unique moveset that involves using ther hair as a whip, magical dances, transformations and items, pirate weapons and fighting moves.
Thank you.

13 53

I like it 💯🔥

807 3886

If Shantae appears as a fighter, we better thanks Sakurai-dono with all our hearts!

If she doesn't, keep it cool and don't be rude.

If someone else appears, we celebrate with their fans.

49 162