

hi (o´ω`o)ノ i draw things and like madoka magica a lot
• art only: @gweh_art

フォロー数:701 フォロワー数:675

5. Your proudest artwork

This is a hard one, but I'd say oit of my recent artwork, this one of @/chromuchromu's trashcat! I really like the colors and the overall energy

0 2

new pfp by

they are the best 😭💕i cri. Go give them loveee

I love this so muchhhh

2 43

Maybe Emira if you feel like it

0 10

not a creature, just the goodest boy

0 3

the crunchyroll anime awards got at least one thing right

1 29

first Ru eyes vs most recent Ru eyes:

2 22

Queen Hiling

12 61