

small white dude
used to run an award-winning inteleon account (@gwmthing)
uploads game clips and art

フォロー数:84 フォロワー数:1634

this is so fucking unFAIR why WHY HE LOOM HMWHY WHY M

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this is unfair for me

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wait! nanami with a gun

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fluffy girl, i like her. she is a nice lady. she will also kill you if needed (good job for that)

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Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger

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fucking cat, he small. how dare he?

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ramen runner boy runs up to you and says "hecking yeah" good character

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joker boy! !!! kjoekr fsfo0iasjgu9ihjsgjas u9gjdfbiojndfgoijngfiojnj i love you? keep it up you boy

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