

Gwy in Smutland, probably drawing Wranduin
I'll post and share lots of pics NSFW
42 yo.

フォロー数:152 フォロワー数:763

Anduin Wrynn PINGO - Can't transform
But can enjoy, haha

1 10

Human Anduin Wrynn PINGO

0 6

Wranduin Batch:
25 - Easter/Noglegarden
26 - [struggling to finish]
27 - Lollygagging
28 - Heart Shape

2 14

Wrathion [da Silva] PINGO - Partial Dragon Form (AU)
Now for the appreciation of all audiences (if you know what I mean...).

0 7

Wranduin 31 - Ruler
Wrathion: "Please, the world needs to know about your nature's gift!"
Anduin : "No, they don't need!"
Wrathion: "Maybe my ruler is too short..."

2 8

Forgot the Kalec pic. 😆

0 2

Wranduin 29 - Whisper
What is he whispering?
1)"Love you!"
2)"Turn into a dragon!"

2 9

WIP - Whisper
Maybe I can handle this today.

1 8

That's more accurate, I don't have any pink shirt.

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