

Gwy in Smutland, probably drawing Wranduin
I'll post and share lots of pics NSFW
42 yo.

フォロー数:152 フォロワー数:763



Innocent detail (no kidding).

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Oi, people! It's not a giiiirrrllll!

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Wranduin 4
A: Remember when you said you would take me in your back and ferry me to fascinating places where we would have adventures that would age my father 10 years in 1 night?
W: I just told that to seduce you.
A: It worked.

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Wranduin 2 proof that PINGOs are not innocents
Anduin: No lick, pal
Wrathion: SOMEONE always lick me in the chamber. (You should try)
Anduin: That's a tail or a tentacle??
Wrathion: You'll figure....

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Katarina & Garen feita para a collab do Dia dos Namorados.

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