

He draw-
He design-
But most important-
He simp vtubers

フォロー数:2364 フォロワー数:1553

Part 1:
It’s been awhile since last update. I’m now in an electric motorcycle company as a transportation designer. But I’ll keep looking for some time to practice.

2 9

I think the pose were not good enough. Time to reboot!!
Return to 0%

4 135

Quick update-final phrase!!
Must finish it today!!

3 17

Quick update.
Eyes are always important!!

3 14

Gotta find a job in real life cause I’ve been in this world for over 2 decades. I’ll still working hard to finish this before the time!!!

65 208

I have an important thing to do.
Sorry for the delay of ina’s art.
I’m going to finish this first!

45 128

Fixing pose is always a nightmare....
Hurry up hurry up!!

6 50

I’m glad that I finished so fast!
Beautiful half elf half human Flare!!

341 1617