

A self-improvement app which uses game mechanics, such as leveling and hit points, to motivate players to live healthy and productive lives.

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There’s a new pet quest in the Quest Shop! Check out the Insta-Gator to earn cute Alligator pets by completing your real-life tasks. https://t.co/UF9nb4vdUw

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How is your 2018 resolution going? Whether you're doing really well or flagging a bit as the year draws to a close, check out the Staying Strong Challenge in the Official New Year's Resolution Guild for a motivation boost! https://t.co/P9D4wKp3Su

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It’s not too late to join the Back to School Preparation Challenge! There’s nearly a week left before the Challenge ends on Oct 1. Check it out for extra motivation and a chance to win awesome prizes! https://t.co/38tdVTUMGP

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There's a new featured Wiki article on the blog! It's about Creating a Unique Experience in Habitica using customization settings. Check it out! https://t.co/zFeLIFrKFY

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Weekly Status Report: New Kangaroo Pet Quest and New Blog Posts on Getting Involved with Habitica's Community: https://t.co/RQe75OxMV8

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There's a new Pet Quest available! Check out Kangaroo Catastrophe in the Quest Shop, and earn some keen Kangaroo pets and mounts! https://t.co/MmNULWXt2e

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Weekly Status Report: Official Back to School Preparation Challenge with Gem and Subscription Prizes! https://t.co/yKMON2OhIH

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We've prepared a special Back-to-School Challenge as Habiticans prepare to return to their studies. Check it out now! Five lucky winners will get a badge for their profile and their choice of a gift subscription or gems! https://t.co/BowcDqm0iN

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There's a new Resolution Success Challenge in the Official New Year's Resolution Guild! This month we're looking at how to best reward yourself for your progress. Check it out, participation in previous Challenges is not a requirement to participate! https://t.co/wZn0000x0D

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Summer Splash is ending after today! Be sure to grab your special class gear from your Rewards column and any items you've been eyeing in the Seasonal Shop! https://t.co/Bq2vLiqnfP

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