

🔞 Thing doer on VNs | Certified bad poster&genetically modified rabbit irl
dota&osrs player | Current projects: kakenuke

フォロー数:679 フォロワー数:1267

Akane: At first I wasn't sure how I felt but after thinking about it she was kind of really sweet and wholesome. Her route is nice and short too.

0 0

Reina: cute girl, hated her route tho lol
I don't care for baseball, didn't like the mc attitude, hate pregnancy related anything. Just didn't do it for me...

0 1

I'll be waiting... 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。

0 5

Clannad, my favorite comedy visual novel

32 108

Sowwy for missing Cocoas birthday so I will share some cute chino x cocoa art
(by denimchan & Ono)

0 6

Overflowing with cuteness🥰🥺
Thanks so much to !

1 17

Can't stop thinking about her. Very precious angel

0 11

I need art of devil Chino

1 11