Tina Haggerさんのプロフィール画像

Tina Haggerさんのイラストまとめ

Printmaker & artist.
Print Workshop tutor.
Wonder seeker.


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It's easy to love this place.

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This is how I spent Sunday and the last few evenings! Print, print, print. I'll post proper photos of my new Rooks linoprint once they're dry and ready to go.

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The Rooks returning to the Rookery is an early sign of Spring. I drew this yesterday. I'll be making it into a linoprint soon.

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Oh how I already miss the Rooks that live on my day job site! The shaggy, baggy, cheeky, cawing, noisy, characterful I watch lovingly out of my office window. I don't really love my job, but I love those Rooks. I had fun sketching out this new print design yesterday

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My Uncertain Shadow
Absolutely loved 'In Real Life' at today.

Elemental - Light, Air, Space, Colour - certainly gets the synapses firing!

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Today's fun. Production in progress.

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Magpies & Charm Bracelet - My new design on the lino! Inspired by a love of Corvids, a stamp from my childhood (2nd photo), & the charm bracelet I inherited from my mum given to her by my dad. The charms are all items I see as talismans or symbols in my life. Better get cutting!

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