

羽風薫の天使 ♡

フォロー数:173 フォロワー数:269

yume — kaorie ( )

a story about a secret promise between them.

51 92

yume — kaorie

selamat early halloween aku repost aja soalnya au kebanggaan adminnya ^___^)b

40 69

yume — kaorie (racer au)
cw // smoking

perihal apa yang ada di gambar ini ada baiknya jangan dicontoh ya warga....😅

45 107

yume — kaorie

they told me after this there would be a happy ending.
—but where's mine?

48 122

— Kaorie

“Apologies, but we shall take our leave first. Our beloved princess is not feeling well, therefore she cannot continue to mingle in the party crowd. Worry not, I will take good care of her, for I am the princess’ most trusted person. Isn’t that right, Your Highness?”

36 68

( hokumaaya )

after school practice

34 63

( kaorie )

sweet old memories ✨

55 157

( rieposting )

muka cengo

19 52

( kaorie )

sangat disarankan untuk melihat kearah langit saat menonton kembang api 🙏

46 102

( kaorie )

moment ketika malming malah kerja 😅 harusnya post bareng ama punya shion tapi minggu kemarin tabrakan coy...

57 102