luca 🫧さんのプロフィール画像

luca 🫧さんのイラストまとめ

luca/peter, he/they lesbian white boy. i love my ocs and bad games and sometimes i try to draw things. (18+)
🪼 @bladesunlock 🪼

フォロー数:338 フォロワー数:390

i don't have a super good picture of just her face rn but *hands you a mori* *hands you a mori* *hands you a mori* (D4! or D2)

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im not good at drawing feet but Anyways. au ra hands (can't get a good crop of the hands) and feet drawn like this send tweet

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garlean boys make do!!!!!!

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THANK U 🥺 colors are my favorite thing in art i SWEAR. second favorite thing Is doing whatever this is any time i actually have a background

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literally mmy header but i sat down and made some shapes with the lasso fill tool and popped this out and was so fucking happy about it

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fandaniel... i couldn't decide which palette i liked more, so you get both

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i was only able to get one drawing done during the art party, but here it is! ^__^

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machinists shop too

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