

Making VLD Klance NSFW comics on Patreon patreon.com/halleseed

フォロー数:16 フォロワー数:12157

Earlier I created an OmegaKeith comic. It was a story where Keith's pregnancy was just a misunderstanding, but I received requests from several readers asking for a comic where Keith actually gets pregnant.🫄

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"V for Virgin!" Episode 4 (the last episode) is already available on Patreon. Enjoy klance making love romantically in a zero-gravity space! ✨🫂✨

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"V for Virgin!" Episode 3 is already available on Patreon. Please check it out and give it a read!
Ep.1 and 2 will be available on Pixiv soon, Ep.3 is only on Patreon. This comic will be completed with Ep.4 (I'm working on it now).

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Happy Halloween! Vampire Lance short comic (2/2)

69 657

Happy Halloween! Vampire Lance short comic (1/2)

106 933



"V for Virgin!" Ep.2-2
Episode 1 and 2 are already available on Patreon, so please check it out and give it a read!
EP.1 https://t.co/YIGPQEfBvX
EP.2 https://t.co/E32W90Qh4U

19 111

"V for Virgin!" Ep.2-1
Episode 1 and 2 are already available on Patreon, so please check it out and give it a read!
EP.1 https://t.co/YIGPQEfBvX
EP.2 https://t.co/E32W90Qh4U

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