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One more for tomorrow’s syndicate lineup. It’s really pretty simple. #VACCINE #VaccinesWork #vaccinated @AprilDRyan @co_rapunzel4 @MaggieJordanACN @laloalcaraz @ElayneBoosler @Tim_Matheson @KimCattrall
I did this cartoon exactly a year ago this week. One of my Facebook friends thought it works even better today. I tend to agree. #China #StopAsianHate #StopAsianHateCrimes #StopAAPIHate
You either want to be a part of this, or you don’t. There is no gray area. #partyoftrump #notpatriots #mobpolitics @MaggieJordanACN @AprilDRyan @laloalcaraz @co_rapunzel4 @VLADDO @ElayneBoosler @Tim_Matheson @BetteMidler @JuddApatow
One more for this busy weekend. #sheeple #trumpworld #trumpublicans @MaggieJordanACN @AprilDRyan @laloalcaraz @Tim_Matheson @ElayneBoosler @Acosta @co_rapunzel4 @BetteMidler @JuddApatow
One more for tomorrow’s syndicate lineup. #ImpeachTrumpNow #25thAmendment #danger #RemoveTrumpNow #ArrestTrump #threat #democracy @MaggieJordanACN @1mimi4ever @AprilDRyan @laloalcaraz @Acosta @co_rapunzel4 #GetHimOut
He has found a new bottom. Blaming the #military and their families for #voterfraud. SMFH @AprilDRyan @laloalcaraz @MaggieJordanACN @co_rapunzel4 #VeteransDay
Tomorrow’s syndicate cartoon. Thanks for sharing. #COVIDIOT #TrumpCovid19 #trumpbackinwhitehouse #trumpgoeshome #COVID19 #coronavirus @AprilDRyan @co_rapunzel4 @laloalcaraz @MaggieJordanACN #WhiteHouseVirus #WhiteHouse #WhiteHouseOutbreak
Watching our local #highschools open up to a new #football season, this just popped into my head last night. @AprilDRyan @co_rapunzel4 @MaggieJordanACN @laloalcaraz #FridayNightLights #COVID19 #covid
Another working weekend. Thanks for sharing. #dumpsterfire #2020worstyear #2020 #2020Election #Election2020 #PostalService #MailInVoting #mailboxes @AprilDRyan @MaggieJordanACN @laloalcaraz @co_rapunzel4
I really feel for our #teachers right now. #toosoon #SchoolsMustShutdown #education #schoolopenings @AprilDRyan @laloalcaraz @MaggieJordanACN @co_rapunzel4