

Krystian │ He/Him │ 22 │ 🇵🇱/🇧🇬 │ Gifted with below-average intelligence and ADD. 2nd year B.A. in linguistics at University of Malta. Amateur illustrator.

フォロー数:136 フォロワー数:19

11) When they talk to Luna, she puts much more emphasis on the fact that they should reach out to the media to clear their name, that they'll get a "fair trial", which, surprise surprise, happens in the comic. Some of the words in this scene feel almost copied verbatim.

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10) Weirdest part of the dub is definitely the ice-cream truck jump into the river. The narration gives a multiple-choice quiz. Again, something that happened in the comic, but not the French version of the film.

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9) And some of the dialogue in the hideout at Palm Hill is more focused on finding food, again, like in the comic:

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Tristepin drawing from a long time ago.

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Looking at these, you'd think it's some kind of harrowing, depressing tale of survival. Even later French "intégrale" editions were very eager to throw in imagery emphasizing the whole communist angle, despite it not playing such a major part in the story...

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Compare my first time seeing the cover of the series, versus how it appeared to foreign audiences. In order, Polish, English, German and Spanish / Czech cover. Yup, they bleached the colour out of it - took the saturation cranked it down by 50% at least...

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Ok, it's time again to ramble about stuff which nobody cares about; weird changes made to comics in editing / translation. Starting with "Marzi", writ. by Marzena Sowa, art by Sylvain Savoia. Not sure if it was first published in French or Polish, but it's not that relevant...

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Peut-être c'est complètement faux, mais... Cette petite histoire avec Vinz qui vole le revolver d'un Z-7 et essaye d'être un peu "tough guy", ça fait référence à Vinz de "La Haine"?

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Some pretty awful art I did for Mortis Ghost's comic series. 3 are from when new issues were still coming out monthly, 1 is from a few weeks ago.

(I really like Nights and Sanders, if it wasn't glaringly obvious)

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🇬🇧One more joke. The rhythm of "I'm offended/wounded?/hurt" becomes "You offend me/wounded?/hurt". The phrases sound a bit incongruous.

🇧🇬Още една шега. Ритъмът на "обиден/засегнат?/наранен съм" е заместен с "обиждаш ме/засегнат?/наранен". Изразите звучат несвързано.

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