

20+ | sfw! | EN/ID/한국어(조금만)

フォロー数:572 フォロワー数:917

changed the color for the tiger, idk

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dropping this here cuz i hate this one, the color's cute tho might remake this later

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dicariin aku lah uwu b

pic hanya pemanis, btw hati hati di jalan <3

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commission results!

yeehaw akhirnya kelar juga kerjaan (ga deng ku masih ada utang ajshsjhasjh) at least batch ini udah semuanya kukerjain, thank you banyak yaa ><

1 12

commission results!
yeehaw took a long time to finish all of this (dan masih banyak yang belum juga jahsjsahjshjsah) and will be updated later on :D

thank you buat temen2 semuanya ><

1 21

kokomi and magikarp

8 23