

wrecking ball overwatch enjoyer
not active here anymore o7

フォロー数:17 フォロワー数:72

happy birthday, you bastard
(bunny gets all of the carrots do not worry)

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a rather reckless pink-haired adventurer that doesn't understand the concept of armor

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a fair trade between men: you give him all of your money to receive a very shiny and cool item he has no idea the value of

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on his way to mine, craft, go goblin mode over enchanted gold weapons and get swiftly bonked by piglins

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making drawings of a half-finished oc > actually working on their design and developing them further

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my lovely 'traveling merchant' (wanted thief that sells you your own belongings) guy

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he goes :D
i think i did pretty good, always pretty hard to keep it readable with text tho

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absolutely stacked but the biggest idiot you will ever meet. dude eats rocks

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