ham⭐ no drama just eruriさんのプロフィール画像

ham⭐ no drama just eruriさんのイラストまとめ

🔞 snk erwin eruri side account :) own fanart in media tab

フォロー数:34 フォロワー数:806

a thread on the vets and pokemon art i made ages ago

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as a fandom vet from circa 2013-2014, there was this time in fandom where we went hogwild because of the card game that had erwin and levi be 1.7x stronger when used together
i'm not sure if that's still a thing people remember these days but here's art i made for that

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eruri kids ?? kidfic is like one of my favorite things.......................

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hanji hange hanji hange hanji hange

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charm design i made ten billion years ago haha

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