はなさき ちとせさんのプロフィール画像

はなさき ちとせさんのイラストまとめ

(波奈碕 千歳)
歴史物や古典芸能は大好物。ふぃぎゃーすけーとも好き⛸♥⛸ 陸上長距離は中大を応援。

フォロー数:138 フォロワー数:180

This time is different from Brian's. Since I've become a fan of Nathan, I can only watch one more season of his career as a competitor. What a fiasco! Why didn't I become a fan sooner? I want to scold my former self!

*Continue to the thread below

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My favorites: suits, doctors' lab coats, men with glasses, and especially, Nathan Chen!
I thought I had drawn something fun of vision of the future. But for some reason, I started to feel sad. Why?

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"If me of my childhood could see current me now, what would he say to me?"
Kid & Adult Nathan

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Hey! He has prepared lovely curly hair that is lively and energetic for us.

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That black lace is impossible to reproduce with my drawing skills. So it's quite a rough finish.

あのレースは絶対に再現できないので適当ですみません💦 あと、もうちょいプリケツにすべきでした。

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I want this N*ke t-shirt, but I couldn't find it in the online store.

Inspiration from; luuna様 がアップされた写真を参考にさせていただきました。ポーズも角度も表情も違いますけど(笑)←模写できない人💦

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Hopefully, he will be able to enjoy some good tasty ramen at this season's Grand Prix Final in Osaka, Japan.🤍


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I want to draw variety of Nathans. I want to draw many varieties of Nathan, not just 100 or 200 but more! I want to draw him in competition as well as in my imagination as a cute guy. I have a lot of Nathan in my brain. It will take some time to transfer them to paper.

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