

清水絵空 ♡ 恵比寿つかさ 日本語おk

フォロー数:113 フォロワー数:937

daiba nana - everything. she hates studying and she’s passed the school year only for memorizing exams

1 33

hoshimi junna - physical education. she looks asthmatic to me

6 32

tendo maya - art for she has never touched a brush in her life. how she manages to be the top student despite skipping art class completely is one of seisho’s biggest mysteries

3 40

saijo claudine - nothing really she’s so good at everything you’d be surprised how much information she stores in her brain

4 43

aijo karen - everything except english

0 23

people never talk about her fang. do it

0 11

que lindas trencitas hikari !!!!! (son chorizos)

1 12

i love these cards so bad omg

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that girl waking up to this

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