

清水絵空 ♡ 恵比寿つかさ 日本語おk

フォロー数:113 フォロワー数:937

16. sol feels inspired while mango and may GO FERAL. robin flops again and deisi.........f 🗿🗿🗿

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15. i'm sorry for kuroka and ryan but saturn got what they deserve !

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14. amy probably regrets killing her wife, antas goes bonkers and alex and mango are just vibin'

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13. mads and ako hold hands (fruity), antas and cátia work together for a good cause and ryan and kuroka.......SILENCE

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11. SATURN WHAT THE HELL DID U DO U MAYA KINNIE !!!!!!!!!!!1 IM JUMPING U and im sure amy will die in the cave !

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10. a normal night between the districts. ally is relatable and myss is LUCKY

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8. alex and cátia get emo, amy apparently likes to spear things, ako survived and I FUCKING DIED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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6. can yuli and cat get an f

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