

人们生于信仰,毁于信仰。 人们在信仰的灰烬里重生。

フォロー数:1190 フォロワー数:1459

hello mo du twitter today i present to you

6 44

could you imagine THIS standing over you and bouncing a ball?? quite frankly i think i would shit my pants

13 41

zhong wan bedhead zhong wan bedhead zhong wan bedhead zhong wan bedhead

6 27

pls this is so cute but why does xie yu have anime h*ntai protagonist hair-

3 17

ever wonder why ismm stans are so unproblematic? it’s bc we’re busy doing this

1 22

pls read 帝王攻略 (di wang gong lue) i am begging on my knees !!

12 66

922154... [the crowd cheers]

10 24

the poet the poem

18 172

questions for people who haven’t read qqgk/guee (global university entrance exam)

qrt with ur answers !!

14 41