Makorin (まこりん) / DJ Hikikomonster【Wotora団】💫さんのプロフィール画像

Makorin (まこりん) / DJ Hikikomonster【Wotora団】💫さんのイラストまとめ

Wotagei & Idols, also bunnies & gunpla · ねむいなな☆保護隊 · Person of Yakulture · Anikura DJ · Leader of @wotoradan (@EULumica partner) · JP/EN/ES/CAT OK! DMs OK!

フォロー数:2042 フォロワー数:583

I swear to God that the physical change I've done during these last years looks like a magical girl transformation.

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5) Especially when I mention that Kirino is my favorite character, it becomes guiltier.

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2010 - HeartCatch Pretty Cure

(I know, I also mentioned that I like "OreImo" in the past and "Angel Beats!" also aired that year. But "OreImo" is just enjoyable and my grudge against Maeda Jun has made this choice much easier)

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2012 - Tie between "Smile Pretty Cure" and "Hyouka"

(Listen, I consider "Hyouka" to be one of the best anime I've ever watched but I would never betray one of the best Precure seasons ever existed besides HeartCatch)

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2016 - A tie between "Mobile Suit Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans" and "Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku".

(Sorry, no "Yuri on Ice")

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2020 - Oshi ga Budoukan Ittekuretara Shinu

(LOL, are you even surprised of this mfers? Also, 22/7 forever)

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I lost my bentou band and I'm beyond baffled that something that's supposed to be in the kitchen is not in the kitchen at all.

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16 vs me now

I have realized that I've always the gayest but I went from emo gamer boy to flamboyant otaku who wants to die on the inside.

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