Shojo Hanya🥒🍆 Akeshu hell 🤸‍♀️さんのプロフィール画像

Shojo Hanya🥒🍆 Akeshu hell 🤸‍♀️さんのイラストまとめ

Potato artist
DCST, Persona 5, Shoujo, Digimon, RT heavy
Also translates stuff

pfp by @dcon_34
art account @hanyallua

フォロー数:2213 フォロワー数:2071

I can't believe they've made an idolish7 x dr stone AU this is all I've ever wanted 😭

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This adorable Ukyo looking ass boi is in the manga I'm reading now, gives me another reason to read futari de koi 🥹 ok maybe they don't look that similar but whenever I see that breadish hairstyle I think of Ukyo 😫

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Someone should make a bracket of Gengens, it'd be interesting to see who wins, some examples include pink kimono gen, lillian gen, crying for dear life gen, UwU material girl gen-

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Sisters its been an honor fighting alongside u all let us all come together and celebrate our glorious achivement

He will forever be a winner in our hearts

5 31

Yuzugen Handholding to bless your tl 😊

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Annie's jealous armin doesn't see her in the same shoujo sparkly doki doki lense as eren

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