

I'm Happi, also known as Shina ! I like to draw in my free time and share the results when I can muster the courage to. Thank you for stopping by !

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My doodle from a late night drawpile with friends!

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Luckily for you, I think most drawing programs have a super hard-edge tool like this. You make the brush size real small and you zoom in real big to make this pixel effect work. Then you resize it later so it's actually visible. At least, that's how I do it!

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Here are some characters I doodled in drawpile with a friend
The Cactus Cowboy and the Wizard of Fungi are here!!

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A little doodle for a new profile picture. I might change it a lot in the next couple days so sorry if that gets confusing. Just wanna be someone new!

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For Halloween, I drew dressed up like a vampire.
Trick or treat!!

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I lost the pen for my tablet but I still really want to draw. So, I drew this from 's game! This is the best I could do with a mouse haha. I dunno who this child is but they're looking at some tadpoles. You guys should check out the screenshots. I love the game so far!!

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Today, I learned that Photoshop isn't ideal for animating. Still learning about animation though. It's pretty tough.

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