

Doodle stash, lotta wolfs and suggestive art | pfp : @lizard_soup | Aro/GrayAce, He/Him | late 20s | GW2/FFXIV - Primal Hyperion | Rhythm gamer (Chuni/mai)

フォロー数:289 フォロワー数:21217



sharing the bicep

81 577

still thinking about solgreyleomon(?)
still not sure about the color but I tried out some

84 555

making you a momma milker hrothgar

303 1778

lick that bicep mmmm

44 200

old idea emergance
(also I never play LoL but Twitch always the one I seem to like)

95 458

more of that gooey tounge
cat do love licking, so it does help I guess?

51 297

it is say that the more he think about goo , the more the clone get stronger

58 348

I forget facemark thing oops

4 59