Rob Harper (he/him) ❎さんのプロフィール画像

Rob Harper (he/him) ❎さんのイラストまとめ

I do some stuff, including being a yahoo who designs board games and administers systems.

main: @[email protected]
alt: @[email protected]

フォロー数:557 フォロワー数:685

So I finally got around to making an update to "Giftmas with the Grimms", my game that nearly got published. I'm not sure if I will actively bother pitching it in the future, but it's one in my pocket for those "do you have anything else?" moments.

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A three-player test of Squirreled Away this morning and some great feedback which helped us focus on the shortcomings of the game as it stands. I think we are currently half-heartedly trying to do several things here, and need to focus more. We have plans...

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Turning back to an old project I've been doing a bit of reworking of my art for Giftmas with the Grimms. I already have the characters done, and now mostly there (aka probably good enough for my use) on two of the six gifts.

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On the subject of squirrels, my old game, Invaded, is having a major makeover. Not done anything with the board yet, but we have squirrel and acorn tokens, and that's not nothing.

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Progress is happening. Is anyone out there available for a quick Hangout or Skype test of a relatively simple 2-player roll & write game from a novice R&W designer?

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Today's displacement activity: puffins. The proportions (and head shapes) are a bit on the cartoony side, but that's kinda the intention. They will eventually (probably) be wearing hats, after all!

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A bit more messing about and it's coming along. I've left the pencil layer overlaid here because I can.

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I'm not doing the drawing every day thing this year, but I haven't given up. I thought I'd try something new to me and try some digital painting and this is a first effort. I'm regretting not using a reference, but other than that, it doesn't seem too bad.

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Day 365. Celebrating the final day of with something from the Glorious Republic of the Puffins. I might not draw something tomorrow.

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Day 354. I cannot freehand wheels with a brush-tipped marker. Still... (Image derived from a few pics floating about.)

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