Being Named Harryさんのプロフィール画像

Being Named Harryさんのイラストまとめ

A writer and drawer of comics (with monsters!)

Comics, portfolio, and art! (And more comics) at below link;

フォロー数:2662 フォロワー数:14709

Streaming with from 2-4pm EST (aka, now)

Join us as I draw a starhammer page and we discuss whatever particulate floats through our combined brains.

Bonus! I will attempt to be a bit educational about art.

2 11

Demon Master Vapula is a demon made only of eyes. She created incredibly powerful armor with help from Cezar's late Master, and has since climbed the ranks to the top.

Cheery and pleasant, with a knack for making her underlings smile. Prefers to kill dissidents quietly. 👁️👁️👁️👁️

9 53

A lesser Demon Master, Bael has recently come into possession of a powerful new tool. With it she has plans to reconfigure the entire hierarchy of the Demon City, along with the human world above.

Also she has a thing for demon cats, and sometimes pretends to be one. 🐈

10 86

Curious Guests interrupt an evening picnic🧺

9 36

Going to be streaming for a bit with from 2-4 Est! Come join and chat with us about - stuff, while watching me slowly sketch out a comic page~

4 15

A study- An orc taking a break shortly before brunch 🍖

38 153

A study- A lonely demon wishing she could see her friends, and enemies, sometime soon.

9 65

The Consecrated makes sure to practice social distancing while playing with their daughter

19 104

may i offer you a doodle page in these trying times

8 61

The demonic life is a strange and beautiful thing. From the humblest beginnings, these creatures can become as gods in their power. Part 1 covers the basics, the growth from tiny seed, to unstoppable beings of might and magic. 👹

15 78