

UX Designer by day, duelling sith lords at night. @klsketchnation. 1/6 of @d_letedsound

フォロー数:991 フォロワー数:3063

Day 23 - Street
Acah-acah street musician (full story on Instagram)

2 1

Day 18 - Sky
I wonder how people in Hogwarts stay in shape. The only sport they play is flying on a broomstick

3 7

Day 17 - Book
Bila dah ketandusan idea, kita main puns

11 6

Day 13 - Little
Don't you sometimes wish to be little again?

1 4

Day 10 - Reflection
You are what you eat. Therefore I am ayam goreng

2 8

Day 05 - Feast
Bukankah agama mengajar kita untuk bersederhana? :)
(That tembikai ais gelas besar tho)

2 7

Day 04 - Fav Bazaar
"Bukan tadi kata nak beli murtabak je ke?"

1 9

Day 02 - Mosque

Sebab imam kat rumah aku baca laju gila

10 13