The HasbrOmniverse Portalさんのプロフィール画像

The HasbrOmniverse Portalさんのイラストまとめ

Loving everything Transformers, G.I. Joe, ROM, Micronauts, MASK, Air Raiders, Jem, Visionaries, Inhumanoids, Centurions, and Sky Commanders. Also Hasbro Pulse.…

フォロー数:608 フォロワー数:2940

The Transformers 80’s Classified - The Pretenders Part 2 - Perhaps the most interesting development in Pretender technology concerns shells that mimic the humanoid biology of Earthlings. (Continued Below⬇️)

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Hasbroverse 80’s Redux - The Experimental Jet Oktober Guard One that was stolen in the Transformers episode Prime Target was piloted by Codename: Daina, a member of G.I. Joe’s counterpart Oktober Guard, also appearing in three episodes of G.I. Joe Season One. (Continued Below⬇️)

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The Transformers 80’s Classified - The Pretenders - Pretender shells enhance their wearer's strength as well as their regenerative capabilities (in a fashion similar to CR Chambers). (Continued Below⬇️)

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The Hasbro 80’s Database - G.I. Joe A Real American Hero! 1986 - Cooper G. MacBride - Code Name: Low-Light - Night Spotter - "The Joes like to have Low-Light along for the ride. (Continued Below⬇️)

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The Hasbro 80’s Database - G.I. Joe A Real American Hero! 1984 - Mutt and Junkyard - Born in Iselin, New Jersey. Mutt is a natural with animals. He likes them and they like him. The problem is that he gets along better with dogs than he does with humans. (Continued Below⬇️)

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G.I. Joe A Real American Hero! 1986 - Edwin C. Steen - Code Name: Lifeline - Rescue Trooper - “Elite units always take care of their own. The Joes are no exception. The troops have to know that if something really heavy comes down on them- (Continued Below⬇️)

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Boom! Studios Comics New Releases For January 12, 2022

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Marvel Comics New Releases For January 12, 2022

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Marvel Comics New Releases For January 12, 2022

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Tales Of The HasbrOmniverse - Battle For The Cobra Submarine Dreadnaught By Robert Atkins, Clayton Brown, and Andrew Crossley

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